2006 – Vol. 29 No. 1
Chinese Grocers
Chinese American Grocers of Southern California
Susie Ling
Wong Ah Gow: The Life of a Chinese Merchant in Ventura County, 1853-1929
Will Gow
Since the 19th century, Chinese American groceries have been part of the California landscape. Like their laundrymen counterparts, Chinese grocers depended on self-labor and long hours to build their economic success. Like restaurants, groceries were divided into two overlapping subcategories: those that serviced the Chinese community and those that serviced the mainstream community.
About Gum Saan Journal
Gum Saan Journal is an annual publication. It solicits manuscripts that explore the historical, cultural, and humanistic aspects of Chinese American experiences, particularly relating to Southern California, as well as contemporary issues of relevance to the Chinese American community. Manuscripts should be approximately 3,000 words in length. If your manuscript is accepted for publication, you will be responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any copyrighted materials used in your article.